Panini NBA Hoops Allen Iverson #300This is AI's card from the 2018-19 NBA Hoops series and it's the very rare Artist Proof holo/prizm parallel. There are only 25 of these...
Panini Contenders Nikola Jokic #96This is the Joker's card from the 2020-21 Contenders series and it's the rare the Finals Ticket holo/parallel version. It's short print and there are only...
Skybox Premium Allen Iverson #HSO-AIThis is AI's "Hometown Shootouts" patch card from the 2004-05 Skybox Premium series and it features a game worn jersey swatch (not just player worn, but...
Upper Deck Generations Allen Iverson #AI-J This is AI's "Reel Time" card from the 2002-03 Upper Deck Generations series and features a jersey patch. The patch is game worn and...
Panini Excalibur Kevin Durant #20This is KD's "Dunk Company" jersey patch card from the 2014-15 Excalibur series and it feature a jersey swatch. The swatch is game worn as well...
Panini Contenders Jayson Tatum #44This is JT's card from the 2021-22 Contenders series and its the Opening Night Ticket parallel. This card can only be found in the First Off...
Upper Deck Dennis RodmanThis is the Worm's "Rebounding Champ" card from the 1996 Upper Deck series. An awesome-looking shiny die-cut card that is jumbo sized. It is also short print...
Panini Donruss Elite Dennis Rodman #5 Jersey PatchThis is The Worm's "Throwback Threads" card from the 2009-10 Donruss Elite series and features a game worn jersey (not just player worn...